A warm and welcoming, cigar rolling show, display of various accessories and cigar parafanelia.
All events come with the contemporary cigar table as standard choice. You can select the rustic traditional cigar table at no extra cost or upgrade to the cigar hut.
Contemporary cigar table
This 6-foot table folds in half, has a larger surface than the Traditional, which allows room for tobacco display plus a 180 degree view of the table. The table fits into multiple event theme or ambiance, ranging from casual to an elegant affair. The cigar table will be supplied with:
- Cigar tobacco leaves display
- Cigar cutters
- Cigar butane lighters
- Cigar matches
- Cedar sticks
- To go bags
- Hand screw presser with molds (upon request)
Rustic traditional cigar table
This 4-foot table is made completely out of wood. It has a particular shape, with a raised front and cubical format, limiting the view of the roller. This table is a replica of the same table rollers work at, in large cigar factories. This table is recommended to groups which are hosting a casual or informal event, with a rustic look. The cigar table will be supplied with:
- Cigar cutters
- Cigar butane lighters
- Cigar matches
- Cedar sticks
- To go bags
- Hand screw presser with molds (upon request)
The Cigar Hut
The Cigar Hut is similar to the traditional or contemporary tables, with the addition of an assembled enclosure given the feel of a cigar hut “tabacalera”. The cigar hut will be supplied with:
- Cigar tobacco leaves display
- Cigar cutters
- Cigar butane lighters
- Cigar matches
- Cedar sticks
- To go bags
- Hand screw presser with molds (upon request)