This section provides all the available information that you will need to learn about cigars and cigar etiquette, which will assist in creating the best experience possible at your cigar bar event.
Does On-Site travel?
Yes, we travel to any destination.
Do you accept Credit cards?
Yes, we accept all major cards.
Do you have Liability Insurance?
Yes, we have a 1M general liability annual policy. Certificates are issue only after contract.
Do you charge per hour?
No, all of our selections have a set fee, from 2 to 4 hours.
Where do you set cigar table?
Indoor is prefer, but if space is an issue outdoors can be alternative
Is there smoking when cigars are being rolled?
No! Smoking can only happen in designated areas.
Do the rollers speak English?
No, but we provide a Cigartender, fluent in Spanish/English to all of our selections.
Do you provide only one style of table?
No, we have 3 styles, a traditional, a contemporary and a cigar hut tables.
Are cigars for smokers only?
No, it’s for both smokers and none smokers, which know someone who smokes and they take a cigar as party favor.
Are cigars for men only?
Absolutely not, cigars are enjoyed by all adults over 18 years of age.
Are cigars rolled on a ladies leg thigh?
No, the only function that is done by a women or men on their leg thigh, is when they straighten out the wrapper leaf.
A cigar rolling bar will take away from the celebration?
On the contrary cigar rolling experience will enhance the celebration, and will have guest talking about it, for month.
Do you have a uniform attire?
Yes, our standard uniform is a traditional Guayavera shirt, a fedora hat for the male, slacks and a name tag.